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Funding for Mental Health Service Agencies

Apply for Mental Health Funding


The Board of Trustees has authority to contract with established tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable corporations to: operate, supplement, maintain or deliver purchased services within: community mental health centers, mental health clinics or comprehensive mental health service providers. Funding is contractual and performance-based. Billing and treatment records are audited.
Behavioral Health Clinics


Applicant agencies are required to document legal status and mental health operations, including but not limited to:

  • IRS charitable tax-exemption, Missouri incorporation, and financial audit
  • Agency is a financially stable organization in Jackson County, Missouri, providing mental health care for at least three years prior to initial application
  • Quality assurance, treatment records and licensure meet State requirements and Board of Trustees standards

Existing Grantee Agency

Grant Funding Programs

The Community Mental Health Fund invests in mental health services through partnerships with non-profit agencies who provide quality mental health care for persons with mental health concerns.  Through these partnerships, we strive to ensure that mental health services are equitably accessible and responsive to the varied and unique needs of Jackson County residents.  Every year our funding supports over 18,000 residents who are without insurance and are in need of mental health care.  For application information click on a Funding Category.

Children and Families

Supports a continuum of services for emotionally disturbed children/youth and their families, including day treatment, individual and family psychotherapy, and center-based care.

RFP release September 9, 2024; Deadline October 7, 2024.

Safety Net

Support for the foundation of public mental health care in Jackson County, providing broad-based mental health services. Safety Net grantee organizations reflect a diverse cross section of agencies. However, they share a common objective of providing quality mental health services to underserved communities.

RFP release: September 9, 2029; Deadline October 7, 2024.

Domestic and Sexual Violence

Domestic and Sexual Violence grants support mental health services in shelter-based and community locations for persons who have experienced sexual trauma and/or domestic violence. 

RFP release: Application period has closed.

Special Populations

Special Population funding supports community based mental health and support services necessary for successful skill attainment and functioning in the community.

RFP Release: Application period is Closed

Mental Health Innovations

Only current CMHF network agencies are eligible to apply for one-time Innovation funding. Innovation projects are intended to enhance mental health outcomes, quality, and access to care. Innovation priorities include Response to Behavioral Health Equity, Trauma Informed Care, First-Time Accreditation and Agency initiated projects.

Innovation funds cannot be used to replace other funding.

The initial application consists of a brief Letter of Interest which is completed in the CMHF grantee portal. If selected by the Board to move forward, grantees collaborate with CMHF staff to develop a Project Work Plan.

No longer accepting applications for 2024.

Technology/Software Application

Technology/Software grants are to support one-time technology and software requests to enhance mental health service delivery at the agency.  These resources are available to existing CMHF network of agencies and are limited based on funding available.  

No longer accepting applications for 2024.

Agency Staff Training Application

Agency Staff Training grants assist with enhancing the use of evidence-based practices that improve mental health care for agencies that are currently funded by the CMHF.

No longer accepting applications for 2024.

Community Education and
Training Event Application

Community Education and Training Event grants are one-time event resources and can assist non-profit community organizations, in partnership with mental health professionals, to provide information about mental health and reduce stigma.

No longer accepting applications for 2024.

Existing Grantee Agency

Required Documents

The recording of the October 4, 2024 Value-Based Payment Key Performance Indicator Change Instruction training session is below, along with a revised PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.

Existing Grantee Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

Top 6 Application Questions

  • Are all services on the Service Unit Definitions available to us?

    Not necessarily. Some services require prior approval; those are identified in the instructions. Some services have license and documentation requirements that are not a fit for all agencies. If you propose a service not in your current contract, the reasons should be explained using data.

  • We expect more clients in the coming year. Will increases be considered?

    Your proposal should explain the need with quantitative and clinical data. Explain your ability to provide services that respond to the data you provided. Funding decisions will consider the availability of CMHF funds.
  • This year my agency would like to shift services from individual therapy to group therapy. Is this acceptable?

    Any major year-to-year change in your Expenditure Plan should be explained in the proposal. Using your question as an example, your rationale should provide data explaining the need for the change, plus how clients’ individual therapy needs would be met if those services were reduced.
  • How recent does our Certificate of Good Standing need to be?

    Current as of the date of application. This document certifies that your agency is registered with the Secretary of State to do business in Missouri. The copy you upload in your application does not need to be certified.
  • Are there word limits for narrative questions?

    Any questions with word or character limits are noted in the application. For all questions, brief answers are preferred. We are not looking for details beyond what is asked in the question. If we need more information, we will ask for it later.
  • Can we raise our case support unit cost to the higher case management unit cost?

    This requires prior approval because case management has defining criteria. The new unit cost takes effect once the new service is approved. We are happy to work with agencies interested in developing this service tier.

Existing Grantee Agency

Step 2: Complete Online Application